Good Things

The whole Lyme-disease-time-in-a-wheelchair-really-nasty-stomach thing combined with bad-things-happening-to-good-people often makes me a blubbering mess, both in good and bad times.  I am so, so, so grateful for my health, for my life in my favorite city, for the love and support of an incredible family, and for being able to live a life of relative health and passion.  After not being able to walk for a period as a child because of Lyme, I will always be thankful for my ability to put one foot in front of the other.

So in that light, giving back in a teeny tiny way through food is important to me.  Have a fundraising event you need something sweet for?  I’m your gal.  Need me to write / tweet / promote?  Drop a line.

Please check out these organizations which I support with my whole heart.


1 Comment

  1. Shawn says:

    Hi Jacqueline – I love the Greek walnut cake you made. You said in your blog you might redo the recipe with a few changes. I’m just wondering if you did that. It is a delicious cake, fun to make, and yes, a tad dry. Nothing extra syrup or ice cream couldn’t fix! So I’m curious I’d you’ve made any changes. Thanks.

I love each and every note you leave - thanks!